If you use Apple's Geoport Telecom Adapter (as do I) then you may have noticed that your system memory partition grows by about 400-500k when the modem is on. This is because most all the modem software is loaded into memory. This is done so that the CPU can process in real time all of the modems MOdulation DEModulation functions as Geoport is a 'software' modem. The data pump is the Macintoshes CPU itself. There are no DSP datapumps as in a conventional modem.
This is also why your system slows down during a data call. The CPU is running all your apps and acting as a modem datapump as well.
Now, after your data call it'd be nice to have a speedy way of reclaiming that 500 odd K you lost to run the modem especially if your tight on RAM.
Geoport Shut Down accomplishes this task. Simply open it, click on the Shut Down button and 400-500k is added to the Largest Unused Block field in About This Macintosh as GSD frees up memory.
System Requirements
Systrem 7.0 or greater.
A geoport Telecom equipt Macintosh or Power Macintosh (obviously).
The control panel can reside anywhere within your disk heirarchy. Put it in Apple Menu Items for fast access (serving suggestion).
The Catch( There ain't one)
GSD is freeware: I wrote it because I like programming Macintoshes (the Razør Rug project). Though if you do download and use it an e-mail would be nice; The addresses are below.
You are free to distribute but only with this attached READ-ME. If you have a web server or a page, feel free to put it in your ftp directory etc. I'd be stoked if many Geoport users got to using this.
e-mail: J_Birnbaum@fbp-ny.com
AOL: Lexicon 01
Josh Birnbaum
24 East 58th Street
New York
New York
Version History
Version 1.0 Initial release 07/25/1996.
Version 1.01 fixed a bug that caused modem shut down on hitting the '?' button.